Mary, Great Woman Initiate–Hélène Bernard
“Mary, Great Woman Initiate,” by Hélène Bernard, SRC, from the “The Sacred Feminine” issue of the Rosicrucian Digest. In this podcast, Soror Bernard tells the
“Mary, Great Woman Initiate,” by Hélène Bernard, SRC, from the “The Sacred Feminine” issue of the Rosicrucian Digest. In this podcast, Soror Bernard tells the
“The Sacred Feminine,” by Grand Master Julie Scott, from the “The Sacred Feminine” issue of the Rosicrucian Digest. In this podcast, Soror Scott explores how
“Vestals,” by Christina d’Arcy, SRC, from the “The Sacred Feminine” issue of the Rosicrucian Digest. In this podcast, Soror d’Arcy discusses the caretakers of the
“Through the Pages of the Book of Nature – Our Imperturbable Peace,” by Michael Shaluly, FRC, from the “Living in Harmony with the Natural World”
In this podcast, Grand Master Julie Scott, who also serves as the Director of the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum, introduces us to some of the spiritual
In this podcast, longtime Rosicrucian Michael Shaluly invites us to ask ourselves four questions to shed light on our relationship with the cycle of giving
In this podcast, Grand Master Julie Scott presents the Rosicrucian principles related to visualization, will, and mindfulness, which, when combined, can produce very powerful results
For students of the Western Tradition, Louis Claude de Saint-Martin, who wrote under the pseudonym “The Unknown Philosopher,” is one of the most profound and
In this podcast, Grand Master Julie Scott leads us in visualizing: a world where women are celebrated as fonts of wisdom; a culture that values
Illuminating a Rosicrucian Digest article by Julian Johnson, SI, this podcast explores some of the fundamental lessons of Martinism for the mystical aspirant, from the
Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis – English Grand Lodge for the Americas