Pythagoras and Music — Melanie Richards, M.Mus., S.R.C.

The musician draws the bow across the violin string and immediately the inert atmosphere becomes vibrant and transparent, “…as if sound from nonspatial realms shines through a window into the world of space.” What is being demonstrated is a phenomenon known as the overtone series, in which any tone, played or sung, activates a column of mathematically-related notes which vibrate sympathetically with the sounded pitch and create resonance. Octaves throughout the universe respond, in a modern, scientific “music of the spheres,” echoing the hypothesis that dates back to ancient times and the School of Pythagoras.

Running Time: 16:44 | 22.9 MB
Podcast Copyright © 2009 Rosicrucian Order, AMORC.
All Rights Reserved.

Posted by Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum @ 07/01/2009


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