What we can learn about The Eleusinian Mysteries — George Mylonas, Ph.D.
This podcast features an article from the 2009 Digest No. 2. Dr. George Mylonas (1898-1988) was a Greek archaeologist and scholar renowned worldwide for his
This podcast features an article from the 2009 Digest No. 2. Dr. George Mylonas (1898-1988) was a Greek archaeologist and scholar renowned worldwide for his
This podcast features an article from the 2009 No. 2 Digest. The article’s original manuscript was written in Athens in Greek by Frater Nicholas P.
This podcast features an article that the past Grand Master of France, Soror Jeanne Guesdon, wrote for the Rosicrucian Digest in 1978. It is titled,
The musician draws the bow across the violin string and immediately the inert atmosphere becomes vibrant and transparent, “…as if sound from nonspatial realms shines through
A reading of Reviewing our Acts by Ralph M Lewis. The reader is David Aguilera. Running Time: 17:22 |11.68 MB Podcast Copyright © 2009 Rosicrucian
Ancient Greek legend has it that in the sixth century BCE, there were seven sages in Greece who served the God Apollo. According to the
In this selection from the December 2008 Rosicrucian Digest on Delphi, Grand Master Julie Scott introduces listeners to the Mysteries of Delphi. Few traditions in the
This Pod Cast is written and presented by Julie Sanchez-Parodi, Research Assistant at the Rosicrucian Research Library. The talk was first presented at the Focus
In this podcast, Grand Master Julie Scott presents some cultural perspectives regarding Sacred Space and invites us to consider our sacred spaces. Running Time: 16:18
The ancient Mystery Schools served as spiritual centers in the ancient world, educating students in natural laws and principles so they could better live in
Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis – English Grand Lodge for the Americas